PA: Nexo NXAMP 4x4 Processor - 2 Nexo PS15R2 tops, 4 Nexo LS18 Subs

Console: Midas M32 - 32 inputs, 5 returns to stage

Monitors: 5 Yamaha DSR112 (Powered Monitors) on 5 separate mixes

Mics: 6 Shure SM58

6 Shure SM57

1 Shure Beta 91

1 Shure Beta 52

3 Sennheiser e604

3 Shure SM137

DIs: 6 Mono Radial Pro DI

1 Stereo Radial Pro DI

Lighting: 12 RGBAW LED PAR 64 Fixtures

Chauvet Obey 40 controller

Projector with screen (hung onstage, removeable)

Live Stereo recordings: $50.00

Live Multitrack recordings: $100.00

Bb_Stage and Lighting Plot.jpg